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In the fast-paced world of tech recruitment, Blake Thompson, the Tech Recruitment Manager at The Candidate, finds himself at the crossroads of talent and opportunity. 拥有一组熟练的开发人员,准备在他们的职业生涯中迈出下一个飞跃, 他还拥有一长串客户名单,这些客户迫切需要顶级人才来加强他们的团队. In this article, Blake深入研究了开发人员和团队的有趣故事,这些故事不仅吸引了他们有价值的技术人才,而且成功地留住了他们. 在北方地区技术开发人员持续短缺的背景下, 在叙述中,我们深入了解了留存率成功背后的原因.


The Shifting Dynamics Since 2020:

As the demand for skilled developers continues to escalate, the job market has undergone significant transformations since 2020. 随着越来越多的开发者开始转行,出现了一个明显的趋势, seeking opportunities aligning with their professional aspirations and values. Notably, a statistical shift in the skills gap worldwide has been observed, indicating a decrease from 76% in 2021 to 66% in 2022, highlighting the evolving dynamics of the tech talent landscape.

                           Tech Recruitment Manchester

                             Blake Thompson, Tech Recruitment Manager

Key Reasons Developers Choose to Stay:

Development opportunities:

与我交谈过的许多开发人员都重视在当前组织中获得专业发展的机会. Companies that invest in career development programs, provide clear paths for progression, 培养一种持续学习的文化更有可能留住顶尖人才. 技能发展和职业提升的前景激励开发人员保持对当前角色的承诺.


Support and Work-Life Balance (WLB):

Unfortunately, 在我的书中,大多数开发者都在找工作,因为他们一直在一个错误的行业工作,他们经历了倦怠.

“由于员工的压力,英国雇主损失了约450亿英镑和1700万个工作日, depression and anxiety.’’

支持性的工作环境和健康的工作与生活平衡是留住开发人员的关键. Companies that prioritize employee well-being, mental health, 提供灵活的工作安排更有可能留住他们的员工. 开发者欣赏那些懂得在职业和个人生活之间保持平衡的重要性的雇主.


Competitive Salary and Benefits:

在开发者的决策过程中,薪酬仍然是一个重要因素. A competitive salary, along with comprehensive benefits packages, including health insurance, retirement plans, and bonuses, can contribute to the overall satisfaction and contentment of developers, making them more inclined to stay with their current employers. Glassdoor specialise benchmarking for salaries across the UK 这可以进一步证明,工资并不总是影响工作满意度的最重要因素.


远程工作的灵活性或选择灵活的工作时间对开发人员来说变得越来越重要. 认识到并适应不同工作方式和偏好的公司更能留住人才. 适应不断变化的工作环境和提供远程工作选择的能力会极大地影响开发人员留下的决定.

我发现,从整体上看,这一点已经有所改善,但如果一个职位是基于办公室的,现在这也是一个很难的卖点, 因为我的候选人有如此广泛的远程和混合角色可供选择. 我经常建议,在试用期过后,企业至少应该尝试提供某种灵活的工作选择.


Challenge and Excitement:

开发人员受到具有挑战性和吸引力的项目的激励,这些项目允许他们应用自己的技能和创造力. 提供智力刺激的工作和多样化项目的公司会让开发人员保持兴奋并投入到他们的角色中. 从事尖端技术工作和解决复杂问题的机会有助于提高成就感和工作满意度.

This is high on the list, 我所代表的许多开发者最终都是因为他们对技术的热爱而选择了开发,没有什么比紧跟时代潮流和处于前沿更让他们兴奋的了. 因此,投资于保持技术领先和试用新软件等的企业将保持其开发人员的兴趣.


Good Team Dynamics and Culture:

 积极的团队文化和有效的团队动态在留住开发人员方面发挥着至关重要的作用. A collaborative and inclusive work environment, where individuals feel heard and appreciated, fosters a sense of belonging. 开发人员更有可能留在优先考虑团队凝聚力的公司, open communication, and a positive workplace culture.

在过去的4年里,我们看到了更多远程和混合工作,这表明文化和团队不仅仅是一个办公室. 此外,每个开发者对于优秀文化和团队的看法都是不同的,所以企业花时间了解什么适合他们的团队,并让它对他们有用,以帮助留住优秀人才,这一点很重要.


In conclusion, the shortage of developers in the north has fueled a competitive job market, with many professionals exploring new opportunities. However, companies that prioritize factors such as growth opportunities, support, competitive compensation, flexibility, challenging projects, 积极的工作文化更有利于在2024年及以后留住有价值的开发者人才.


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