
Top 10 Trickiest Tech Terms

Do you think cookies come out of the oven? Pretty sure that the cloud belongs in the sky? Convinced that CSS is a type of boat? Never fear, Our Data & 技术招聘顾问埃莉·马丁向我们讲述了她在行业和求职者简历中看到的常被误解的技术术语!

As someone who previously worked as a 软件 developer, and is now immersed in tech recruitment, I know my fair share of technical terms- however, 我发现的是, a lot of people use them without really knowing what they mean! Below I’ve listed my top 10 misused and misunderstood tech terms…

Ellie Martin -数据 & Technology Recruitment Consultant

1. What's the difference between the 'Internet' and the 'Web'?

Starting off with one that most people use on the daily; internet and web- aren’t they interchangeable? 好吧, no, the Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks- a network of networks; while the Web is a collection of information that is accessed via the Internet.

One way to look at this would be the Internet is the infrastructure, 而网络是在基础设施之上的一项服务——我找到了一个很好的比喻,互联网是一个图书馆, filled with a multitude of books (the Web).


2. What does 'Agile' mean?

最初,敏捷有一个非常具体的含义——有软件开发或项目管理背景的人非常了解这个术语——它指的是一种通过迭代工作的方法, putting emphasis on continual adaptation and re-evaluation throughout a project’s life cycle; opposed to the waterfall methodology, 哪一个是线性的,优先考虑彻底的计划和一致愿景的维护.

然而, the term Agile is now used everyw在这里- with business professionals trying to imply a sense of flexibility or adaptability- but when pressed would not be able to actually tell you what agile means- Scrums and Sprints are now在这里 to be seen in these cases; and this can be a great cause of confusion between those throwing the term around, and those who know what it means!


3. What's the difference between an 'Application' and an 'App'?

Many people think that these terms refer to the same thing; however, applications tend to be large, 建立在操作系统之上的通用软件——它们被认为是桌面应用程序, 例如Word, Excel, 和演示文稿.

另一方面, an App has limited functionality, they are designed for use online and on mobile devices (like smartphones). You will be able to find the online and mobile app versions of Word, Excel, 和PowerPoint——但它们的功能明显比桌面版要有限得多.


4. 什么是“云”?

The cloud is not an all-encompassing term, 不像有些人认为的那样,它不是一个完全通用的术语,它指的是与网络和互联网相关的一切——云指的是通过互联网访问的服务器和运行在这些服务器上的软件数据库. 这些服务器通过云计算分布在全球各地的数据中心, users don’t have to manage physical servers themselves; it allows users to access the same files and applications from nearly any device. 这就是为什么当你从任何设备登录你的LinkedIn时,你仍然可以看到你的帖子和聊天记录!


5. What's the difference between 'Front End' and 'Back End'?

Front end and back end are two very commonly used terms in the tech industry, though some people just don’t know what each refers to and can get them mixed up; they are used to define the type of job done by 软件 and refer to the separation of concerns between the presentation layer (front end), and the data access layer (back end).

When talking about the front end, we are referring to the User Interface (UI)- which is what we see as users of an application (client side); w在这里as the back end is the ‘behind the scenes’ that delivers the information to you (server side); as a user you won’t ever come into contact with the back end- even if you hit F12. 例如, 使用网站时, 单击链接可能会调用一个函数来显示从数据库中提取的报表.

6. 什么是“饼干”?

Cookie is a term most avid internet users are familiar with, but are not sure what it actually means…

简单地说, cookies are text files with small pieces of data, such as your username and password, that are used to identify your computer. 特定的饼干, known as HTTP cookies, are used to identify specific users and improve your browsing experience.

当你连接, data is created and stored in a cookie- which is then labelled with a unique; as the cookie is exchanged between your computer and the network server, the server reads the ID and can pull your specific information.


7. What are 'HTML' and 'CSS'?

我们大多数人都听说过HTML(超文本标记语言)和CSS(层叠样式表),但有些人可能不知道两者之间的确切区别——本质上, HTML is used for the creation of webpages, and CSS is used to control the styling and layout.

HTML consists of elements and tags, which the browser can read to see the heading of the page, beginning and end of paragraphs, 等等.......

CSS使用的属性和类主要分为表示和布局——表示定义文本颜色, 字体类型, 字体大小, 背景颜色, 图片等. and layout specifies the position of different elements.

A good way of thinking about it is HTML is the building blocks, and CSS is t在这里 to tell the blocks w在这里 to go and how to look (colour, 形状, 大小等.)

For more information on HTML and CSS, check out our “是什么...?指南!


8. What is a 'Platform'?

Platform is a term that seems relatively self-explanatory, which is why it is so commonly misused… is it hardware, 软件, 或两个?

计算平台, 或者数字平台, is the environment in which a piece of 软件 is executed. It could be the hardware or operating system (OS), 或者甚至是web浏览器和相关的应用程序编程接口(或其他底层软件)——只要程序代码与它一起执行.


9. What are 'Memory' and 'Disk Space'?

I’ve heard my share of confusion around memory and disk space; in computing, memory refers to the temporary storage used by a computer; a computer loads programs and data into its memory to carry out tasks, this is known as RAM (Random Access Memory).

Disk space (or hard disk space) is a more permanent store, that holds files even after the computer is turned off; it’s from 在这里 that the computer loads programs and data into its memory.


10. 什么是“带宽”?

最后的, 但重要的是, we have bandwidth- we’ve all heard of it, and most of us have used it in conversation (probably incorrectly!), but what actually is it; bandwidth describes the maximum data transfer rate of a network or Internet connection- it measures how much data can be sent over a specific connection in a certain amount of time.

Bandwidth is used to describe network speeds, 但它并没有测量数据从一个位置移动到另一个位置的速度, since data packets travel over fibre optic or electronic cables, the speed of each bit transferred is insignificant.

A good way to imagine this is thinking of a network connection as a tube, 每个比特的数据就像一粒沙子——如果你把大量的沙子倒进一根细管, 然后,与流过更大的管道的相同数量的沙子相比,它将需要更长的时间来流过.


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